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Contact 247

Contact 247

Contact 247

Machine downtime over the weekend? Spare parts from Albeco needed immediately?

Our reply to this is CONTACT 24/7

We know that there are no companies without failures. However, there are companies where they are removed quickly. Efficient operation in the event of a failure reduces costs resulting from long-term downtime and builds a competitive advantage!

We have been supporting Maintenance Departments in this area for many years by offering

  • Diagnostic tools,
  • Machine diagnostics and analysis of the state of the machine park,
  • Spare parts consignment warehouse service.

We make it easier for Maintenance Departments to react quickly in the event of a failure.

In addition, for even better efficiency in the event of a failure, we offer you the following service:

CONTACT 24/7 - emergency sale outside the working hours of the Albeco office!

As part of this service, we offer consulting, selection and sale of our products 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

As part of the CONTACT 24/7 service, you get:

  • Professional advice on the selection of parts outside our office hours. 
  • Possibility of collecting goods from the warehouse in Plewiska 24/7.
  • Possibility of delivering the product to the indicated place at any time and at any time.

In the event of a breakdown outside our office hours call one of the following numbers:


ATTENTION! The service is provided by the office and main warehouse in Plewiska near Poznań.

The service is subject to an additional fee.

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Bosch Rexroth

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